Using Microsoft Word & Microsoft Excel

I had to follow an outline on writing up and editing a document on Microsoft Word. I found it very user friendly and there was no problems at all. The pop up windows helped and guided me through to what i thought to be a very simple process. I understand that this software can make my writing prose into more efficient and professional for the future.

I had to follow an outline on organizing a template on Microsoft Excel. I have previously used this software so i found the instructions pretty straight forward. I believe that this is a very simple and useful program if you have the right instructions. It can get too much for some people with the calculations however i see that once this has been taught it is very convenient for working out your pay such as this task was doing or just working out a budget.

Tute 5 Walter Benjamin

Walter Benjamin wrote the article "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" he had a view on what art should be. Compared to art in today's society there are many different mediums for which artists can work with. In the time Walter Benjamin wrote the article art was either painted or sculptured, however these days anyone can produce an "art" work from a mechanical machine. Society can now form nothing into something from a click of a button where as in 1931 an artist took months or even years to produce and art piece. It was this time and effort that created a beauty or an "aura" about the work, now that has been lost in many aspects of works of art not being original.

I personally think that photoshop is not authentic due to the fact that it is one way in which art work has lost its aura, anyone can produce it and most of the time it is a piece of work that someone else has done. Society should have to reference a photo when they rip it off just like a piece of writing. A photoshop image may be art if there isn't another one in the world but if its truly that good to be called art then someone will copy it in the future. A beautiful panting is real "art".


An article about "gridiron football" in the wikipedia is more on the term "gridiron" than the game its self. It is an accurate article about the term, though it should explain the game more in detail than just what the field look likes and who played it. The article is not to long, however it does follow a small guide line. The article is factual which means there is no side to be taken. With it being a term people use outside of America it should explain the game in whole like it does for the search result American Football.

Another article in Wikipedia that i have read was on "rugby league". Its information is very accurate, although the history section mainly talks about the history of rugby union which isn't much helpful, I would have spoken more about the development of the game into the other countries and how those leagues took off in the early 1900's. It is very informing when talking about the positions on the field and what their role are. The article doesn't take any sides as it is a factual article.